CONDIMONT company aims at providing the most valuable services in condition monitoring. With well experienced personnel we are honored to have particular experience in condition monitoring , CBM , advanced non distructive test and engineering and tracer technology .

CONDIMONT has a solid and trusworthy histroy in cooperation and collaboration with well-known international companies in oil and gas industry. With valuable experience in oil, gas and petrochemical industries combined with hardware facilities, software skills, and highly valued expert human resources we believe that we can be the pioneer in exploring new fields such as proactive condition monitoring , overhaul inspection and maintenance .
Having a deep and thorough understanding of the industry needs leads us to the implementation of the latest technologies and infrastructures for our global customers while satisfying all the affected parties and the stakeholders. CONDIMONT is proud of its core values: enabling projects full potential, delivering the tasks on time and detailed project timelines while meeting strict technical and constructional constraints. The company is driven by presenting the highest value to its shareholders, providing safe and sustainable project solutions for customers, and contributing to the communities we work in.

Our Services

Our Core Value

We seek competitive advantage for our clients. Our approach is to consider the business as a whole, the competitive system, and its dynamics. We identify market positions and capabilities that enable clients to deliver superior results in a sustainable manner. Objectivity is crucial. Valid data, rigorous analyses, external perspectives, root causes, and explicit logic serve as our foundations for objective decision making.

A partnership perspective guides Condimont’s relationships both internally and with clients. We take a long-term view in our relationships. We strive to build bonds founded on respect, caring, honesty, mutual support, and investment. We work together in a manner that is team oriented, constructive, and challenging. Internally. Partnership is also the foundation of our client approach. We respect our clients and fully appreciate the challenges they face. We work at all levels of the organization to drive lasting change.

At Condimont, we strive for a diverse workplace. It is fundamental to our success that we accept, value, and incorporate the contribution of people from a wide variety of backgrounds. Diversity of thought, expertise, experience is crucial to creating an environment in which creative tensions exist and new ideas emerge. Integrity means distinguishing right from wrong and doing the right thing. We represent our capabilities honestly. We observe appropriate confidentiality of client information. We only make promises we can keep. We take the time to consider our actions and ask whether we can defend them openly today and tomorrow.

We are committed to creating value for our clients that returns many multiples of their investment. We deliver tangible and positive change, not simply presentations or ideas. We set our standard for value creation extremely high. At Condimont, value creation requires that our work deliver insight and change the mindset of our clients. Our work must lead directly to clients taking action and executing their business in new ways. We must enhance client capabilities and deliver both competitive advantage and bottom-line impact. We hold ourselves accountable to our value delivered standards by engaging candidly within Condimont and with clients about the level of value created by our joint efforts.



Engineering License

Scanning Technologies


Our Management Team

Saied Khelghati


Mohammad Mohammadi

Managing Director

Iman Hajizadeh

Board Member


Finished projects


Expert Team Members